Sunday, July 30, 2006

Off to India

I just wanted to plug my India blog for the next month, as I will be going to India until sometime in September. Check out to stay updated.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Angel Island

These are some of my first pictures from my new camera, taken at an offsite to Angel Island. A short description of the people from left to right, back to front: intern in other group, me, 3 people in my group, 2 guys in other group, my manager, girl in red in other group, the 4 interns in my group


Sweet picture of the fog rolling over Marin.

The Angel Island dock.

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Discovering Halo

Since my new roommate is a total gamer and has every video game under the sun, I have been introduced willingly to Halo, and I am letting myself become addicted... at least until I beat it. Video games have become a lot better since my old Nintendo system. I pride myself on investing some time to get up to speed with the latest gaming developments.

My friend Shane made a funny comment the other day. He described us in 20 years, when we are going to be so out of the loop when it comes to technology. We will ask our kids how to work the TV, "Do you push this button?". The upset honory teenager will exclaim, "No Dad! God! You just think it and wave your hand". And we will be left to ponder how difficult technology has become.