Wednesday, January 09, 2008

The Brazil Blog

I am going to keep track of my Brazil trip on a separate blog.

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Sail Plane

I went for an exciting ride in a sail plane the other day. It was in Warner Springs, which is about 20 miles from Temecula. We started at the airport at 2900 ft and were towed up to almost 7000 ft before I released the tow rope. Then I got to fly most of the way down. Compared to a small airplane, a glider is a lot different.... more rudder, it's nice and quiet, and it maneuvers very well. I only took one picture on my ride unfortunately. As we got a littled lower, the pilot took me on a couple of aerobatic maneuvers. We did some loops and a couple of hammer turns, which means that the plane gets to the top of an arch and has wings that point directly up and down. There is a moment of weighlessness, before the stall and the recovery. It's fun, but stomach wrenching. It took me about an hour to feel normal again.