Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Great Bit of Code

Someone at work had this as their signature for their email.  Since I am such a big fan of Christopher Walken and I have the More Cowbell shirt and all, I thought it was terrific:

if ( hasFever() ) {
 return ((Cowbell) Prescription.getInstance())++;

Thursday, February 12, 2009

War Games

I was on a ski trip with Google to Squaw Valley this past week, and aside from the fact that there was awesome powder, great weather, and that I killed myself doing black diamonds all day, I had a long long bus ride. And you thought I would talk about my snowboarding or shredding the frozen waves of the mountain. Naah. I saw War Games on the bus, which was a terrific old movie. I liked that they documented to some degree what hacking was like in the old days when computers were very unsophisticated. I could really see why all the Googlers are cult fanatics about this movie. It was also had a great message that still is valuable to us in today's world about war. "It's a strange game... The only way to win is not to play"