Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Sport Turban

Occasionally at work, you find some people who wear turbans all the time. They let their hair grow long and keep the top of their heads covered. And just when you thought that this was quite an inconvenient tradition to maintain I saw the "in vogue" turban. I was at the gym the other day and saw someone wearing a smaller, more sleek turban. I guess that it was a sport turban. I smiled to myself and went about my business.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Wouldn't it be cool to have a trademark?

So, do you ever find yourself saying one particular line in a lot of conversations with your friends? This could be something that you are well known for among friends. Maybe you should trademark it. If Paris Hilton can trademark "That's hot" or Donald Trump can trademark "You're fired" then you can trademark yours, right?

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Penn and Teller

Thinking back to the day when I was introduced to these fools, I remember them just being magicians. There is one silent character who does all the magic, and the other one aggressively and loudly narrates the whole thing. I used to question his magical abilities until I saw him do a couple of things.

So, now there is the show Bullshit, which I think is the best thing on TV since the sliced bread commercials... well not really. Still, it is hilarious and shows you how entertaining making fun of stupid people really is. I wonder if it is the bullying mentality that makes it thrilling. It could be the shock factor and the "Are you absolutely blind to reality?" factor. They don't have many of these shows yet, but I am still trying to see all of them.

So, what are your favorite shows? These are in random order in my top 8.

Seinfeld, The Wonder Years, The L Word, Bullshit, The Ali G Show, The Simpsons, Scrubs, Max X

Monday, May 09, 2005

Successful companies exploiting people

I was reading an article in Fortune about how everyone is flocking towards Google in a search (haha) for a better opportunity with a more successful company and a better package. This puts Google in a position to call the shots and to try to get many smart people for a very low price. They can exploit their prospect pool and not provide a competitive package, even though they are making tons of money. How does this catch 22 get resolved?

On another note, once a new employee gets into Google, he may find himself a complete pauper compared to someone who has been with the company since before the IPO. Does this provide a lot of tension for the workforce?

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Are recruiting companies really worth the time?

So, I went to a recruiting company today and had a very interesting experience. It was all the way in San Francisco, which meant that I had a long haul to get up there in hopes of not being disappointed. I think that they tried to not disappoint me either, but I don't think that I could have helped it after the chaos that I saw there.

There were basically 12 people sitting in a small room, each with a desk and a phone. I am under the firm belief that this represents the whole company at this point. From the outside, all one can hear is this noise of incessant voices like I imagine the stock market is on Wall Street right before the closing bell. Then I discover that each one of them is talking on the phone with a prospective recruit. I wonder why I couldn't hear all the other voices when the recruiter who called me actually called. I'll have to keep my ears open next time for that.

Well, they took me in to the office and I sat right in the middle of the 12 of them, still all talking as if they are on a high dose of caffeine and have just had the happiest day of their lives. We conduct a short and shallow interview just so that he recruiter can find out how to pitch me and before I know it, I am all done. I am treated well and escorted back to the waiting room where I am supposed to wait for more people to come interview me for an even briefer time. Only one came out because they were all so busy.

At the end, I feel as if I just wasted my time and they are not going to help me at all. I get the idea that they are mainly after a buck and are not willing to go too far from their desks and phones to get it. I am on the virge of writing off recruiters completely.

Let's get this party started

So, finally, I have broken down and am going to do something that I would normally never do. I am going to publish something about myself that everyone can see. It's quite scary actually. You have to think: Is this going to backfire at some point in my life. I guess the general rule is write who you are and know that what you write is not necessarily who you are forever, but only for the moment. Does that make sense?

I think that I am giving this a shot because some friends from work are totally into it and I kind of admire that they have the guts to put interesting tid bits of themselves up on the web.