Wednesday, December 21, 2005

A funny reaction

So, as I finished eating dinner and as I carried my tray of dirty plates and a half drunk glass of milk to the tray conveyor belt, I almost ran into this small kid no taller than 30 inches... or should I say that this kid almost ran into me. I continued on my way thinking to myself what might have occured if he had made me spill my tray on him.

I thought at first what my reaction would be about spilling the tray on a full fledged adult. I would probably apologize profusely and hope that I didn't stain his best shirt or her best blouse. Then, I began to think about that little kid, who could have made me drench him with my half full glass of milk. What would my reaction be then? I think that in this situation, my reaction would be drastically different. I might just bust out laughing. It wouldn't excuse my clumsiness, but it would be kind of funny to see a little kid, all drenched in milk, and not knowing what just happened to him. Kids are resilient anyway, right?

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Gosh, that baby cry's all the time

It's always upset... It's crying, whining, always wants something.

Well, how would you feel if the only word you could say is WHHAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!

Thursday, October 27, 2005


They should really do something about all those lazy people out there.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

If Doom is a Success....

Doom, the noninteractive movie, modeled after the interactive and once highly popular video game of the same name is coming out tomorrow. I wonder if it is going to be a success. If so, then I am sure that the very next movie that we'll see is Katamari, the movie, "THE ROLLING, STICKING, NEVER-STOPPING, EVER-SWELLING CLUMP OF STUFF THAT MAKES A STAR OUT OF EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING!"It could be an action flick about the katamari's journey through a trash dump, or the hardship that the katamari faces in Antartica, in which there is nothing to use for growth.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

All in the Name of Art


we got into Friend S's car. Friend B says, "Why don't your get your frickin' window cleaned?"

Friend S responds, "But these bugs gave their lives for the beautiful mosaic you see in front of you."

When Embarrassment Strikes

This happened to someone I know. As she explains it,

Earlier today my phone rang, turns out it was my boyfriend's pants calling. While I was on the line with his pants I heard a sound of liquid falling and splashing. It was the unmistakable sound of urination. I hung up immediately; I am not supposed to hear that. But, I felt obligated to make my boyfriend aware of what I witnessed (do you witness something you hear?). So, I called him up and when he answered I asked, "Did you have a nice pee?" To which he responded "How did you know?" Then I explained what had happened.

Monday, October 17, 2005

GMAT Studying

I think that I am getting saturated with this GMAT studying business. I know that I should be going over a thousand more questions, but I am getting tired of it. So, the test is next week and then it will be onto the next task of actually writing my essays. Yay!

A Case of the Mondays

So, as I was watching Office Space this weekend, I was realizing how many references in everyday conversation actually come from this movie.

1. Does somebody have a case of the Mondays?
2. Not enough flare.
3. Your O face.
4. That'd be greeeeaaaat.
5. The Bobs
6. I want my stapler back. Burn this place down.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Finally entered the realm of mp3 players

Yeah... I did. And I didn't get the new Ipod or a Nano or anything cool like that. I got the Rio Carbon, so hopefully that works out for me.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Audience Confirmed

I just received confirmation that I have a reader of my blog that isn't someone I am forcing to read it or my girlfriend, who might read it occasionally just to stay up to date, or just might be pitying me for having an unknown blog. Who is this reader, dare you ask. It is my friend / home boy Shane. I am so excited about my audience that I now will dedicate more and more time to keeping this thing updated.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

MC Hammer Came to Google

Yeah, he was just hanging out apparently.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Chinese Soldiers Flying Through Bamboo

What is it with these Chinese matrix-esce movies have people flying
through the tops of the bamboo shoots. How is that a natural
progression from the supernatural martial artist. I just don't get

Monday, October 03, 2005

The H5

I have a prediction to make. One day, the wildly popular, robust, and manly H5 will be released to the public, and it will look like this.

My girlfriend says that she will be the first in line to buy one.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Flight to Byron

Ah, the wonders of flying. Is it the freedom of being in the air, the fact that they can't take the sky from me, or just the challenge of trying to learn a new skill. Anyway, it's a lot of fun.

During my flight lesson this week, I went to Byron airport just northeast of Livermore, which is an uncontrolled airport and surprisingly not too crowded. I got the chance to practice my left traffic pattern and my touch and go's, which really need some work. I think that I improved them a little bit.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Canada, eh?

I just got back from a week long trip to Canada with my dad. It was a father / son bonding experience for one, and it was a great opportunity to visit Banff and Jasper National Parks.

Bears: I have always wanted to see a bear out in the wild, but not the way Timothy Treadwell encountered one. At three points on this trip, we saw people who had just seen a bear, but then when we tried to look for it, it was gone. Shucks. We did encounter a lot of other famous animals of the rockies. I'll have to display some pictures up here.

Traffic Accident: I saw the worst traffic accident of my life. This was on a mountain side road about half way up the mountain on a long turn. There was an RV with a trailer coming around the inside of the turn and going way too fast. I heard the tires skidding on the road and turned around to see the monster RV swerve into oncoming traffic. It hit the first car pretty hard as the first car swerved to its left, and then it completely nailed the passenger side of the second car. The engine was jolted out of the car completely. The RV continued to go through the side rail and tumble down the hillside about 50 feet. As we were running down there, we saw the wreckage and were in complete shock. There were two people in the RV that were injured, the passenger who was seriously injured, was laying face down on the rocks in front of the RV. There were two people in both other cars. The passenger of the second car was killed, but everyone else seemed to be not seriously injured. It was a tragedy to watch in first person.

Glaciers: I have never walked on a glacier before, and it was quite fun actually. These pieces of ice are absolutely massive and have incredible power, enough to carve away the whole hillside. On one hike, we went to a mountain top glacier that created a pleasantly charming pool at the bottom. As we walked, we could hear an occasional crack of the ice as piece of the glacier fell to the ground below.

Wildlife: Hiking and driving around at dusk is definitely the best way to see the wildlife. We got our fair share of viewing elk, moose, deer, and big horn sheep. Hmmm... why do rocky mountain animals not have a plural form that is different from the singular form.

People: The accent is very cool, eh? I am just now recognizing that some of the people whom I have met in America have a Canadian accent. I thought that they just talked funny before. I seem to have been able to pick up the accent a little bit which was fun. The people were generally friendly, rural, straightforward, and proud to be Canadian.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

My girlfriend rigging up the pirate ship. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Deep Thoughts

If there are so many Google exercise balls at Google, how come everyone there doesn't have great abs.

Sun Ad

I made it to Sun's new campaign, even though I don't work there anymore.

You know you are getting old when...

your girlfriend's younger sister, who doesn't seem that much younger has the hots for Haley Joel Osment and Ron Weasley (the actor of Harry Potter).

Going Maps Crazy

The one thing that I love about Google.... scratch that... I love everything about them so far, but the maps integrations that I have seen are absolutely fabulous. I think that there is a blog about all the cool maps stuff.

I think that Microsoft has a competing maps thing going on, but I won't give you any of their links because Microsoft sucks.

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Another One Bites The Dust

And I mean this title in a completely impotent way. My friend from my fraternity just got married today and it was great to be at his wedding. He married his long time girlfriend from Berkeley and I hope that they have a wonderful life together. It was great to see a couple of old fraternity friends again and catch up a little. We all had our main flames there, which was sweet. Ryan gave the Mountain Dew award winning toast to the groom. I think that we had a bet going on to see who would be the first to get married. I think that Todd said I would. Well, that was completely wrong. But all in good time my friends. I'm lucky to have a good one now, so all in good time.

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Lawyers, lawyers

I went to a law firm party earlier today. It was at this very nice house in Orinda owned by a partner at a large law firm in San Francisco. There was food, drinks, a very nice outside patio area, and good company. My friend Mia took me there. It was very fun to hang out with her regular crew and meet some attorneys and aspiring attorneys. I think that I was the only techy there, but I certainly didn't feel out of place. The world of law looks interesting to me. I wonder if I'll ever get there in my life. Right now, it's business school on my mind though.

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Harry Potter Release

Last night was the Harry Potter Release party at many bookstores around the area. I hit up one in San Mateo with my girlfriend, Liz, and her friend. These two are crazy Harry Potter fanatics and I was along for the ride. It was quite interesting no doubt. Although most of the guests at the party were kids from 7 to 17, a couple people were mid twenties or even thirties. I guess Harry Potter is good enough for all to enjoy. I myself am reading it but I am still just 3/4 of the way through the fourth book and it seems like I have a long way to go still.

What else did I learn? I learned that there are many websites out there dedicated to discussing theories, the purpose of the characters, what ship people are on, and the possible foreshadowing of Rowling to the occurences in the later books. As if I didn't know, I was reminded of the obsession that the world has for Harry Potter. I think it's great to have such an excitement. For some reason, I get mine at work these days.

Regardless, I was happy to be a part of such a huge, yet segmented, event.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

War of the Worlds

Wow! What a movie. It was the most action packed movie I have ever seen I think. I don't know if the plot was all that interesting however, you can hardly care because you are so stressed with suspense, waiting for the next big disaster to happen. I guess that this is a good movie for Tom Cruise and Dakota to be in. They will really spur on their careers... not that they need to.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Discovered Shane's post

The cutout story

Moving from LiveJournal

So, I finally got around to moving over my blog entries from LiveJournal to Google. I thought that I would support Google a little more. I wonder if there is an easy way of exporting blogs from LiveJournal. I guess that I didn't really worry about it since I only had about five postings.

Martinez fireworks... the place to go. There was very little traffic / hassle getting there and getting away from there, and the fireworks show was great. It was about 10 feet from our heads and ash even fell on the crowd. This is also the first 4th of July I have spent in the US with a significant other. That made it terrific.

It's nice to get the day after the fourth off as well. Hell, it's nice to get any day off.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Sport Turban

Occasionally at work, you find some people who wear turbans all the time. They let their hair grow long and keep the top of their heads covered. And just when you thought that this was quite an inconvenient tradition to maintain I saw the "in vogue" turban. I was at the gym the other day and saw someone wearing a smaller, more sleek turban. I guess that it was a sport turban. I smiled to myself and went about my business.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Wouldn't it be cool to have a trademark?

So, do you ever find yourself saying one particular line in a lot of conversations with your friends? This could be something that you are well known for among friends. Maybe you should trademark it. If Paris Hilton can trademark "That's hot" or Donald Trump can trademark "You're fired" then you can trademark yours, right?

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Penn and Teller

Thinking back to the day when I was introduced to these fools, I remember them just being magicians. There is one silent character who does all the magic, and the other one aggressively and loudly narrates the whole thing. I used to question his magical abilities until I saw him do a couple of things.

So, now there is the show Bullshit, which I think is the best thing on TV since the sliced bread commercials... well not really. Still, it is hilarious and shows you how entertaining making fun of stupid people really is. I wonder if it is the bullying mentality that makes it thrilling. It could be the shock factor and the "Are you absolutely blind to reality?" factor. They don't have many of these shows yet, but I am still trying to see all of them.

So, what are your favorite shows? These are in random order in my top 8.

Seinfeld, The Wonder Years, The L Word, Bullshit, The Ali G Show, The Simpsons, Scrubs, Max X

Monday, May 09, 2005

Successful companies exploiting people

I was reading an article in Fortune about how everyone is flocking towards Google in a search (haha) for a better opportunity with a more successful company and a better package. This puts Google in a position to call the shots and to try to get many smart people for a very low price. They can exploit their prospect pool and not provide a competitive package, even though they are making tons of money. How does this catch 22 get resolved?

On another note, once a new employee gets into Google, he may find himself a complete pauper compared to someone who has been with the company since before the IPO. Does this provide a lot of tension for the workforce?

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Are recruiting companies really worth the time?

So, I went to a recruiting company today and had a very interesting experience. It was all the way in San Francisco, which meant that I had a long haul to get up there in hopes of not being disappointed. I think that they tried to not disappoint me either, but I don't think that I could have helped it after the chaos that I saw there.

There were basically 12 people sitting in a small room, each with a desk and a phone. I am under the firm belief that this represents the whole company at this point. From the outside, all one can hear is this noise of incessant voices like I imagine the stock market is on Wall Street right before the closing bell. Then I discover that each one of them is talking on the phone with a prospective recruit. I wonder why I couldn't hear all the other voices when the recruiter who called me actually called. I'll have to keep my ears open next time for that.

Well, they took me in to the office and I sat right in the middle of the 12 of them, still all talking as if they are on a high dose of caffeine and have just had the happiest day of their lives. We conduct a short and shallow interview just so that he recruiter can find out how to pitch me and before I know it, I am all done. I am treated well and escorted back to the waiting room where I am supposed to wait for more people to come interview me for an even briefer time. Only one came out because they were all so busy.

At the end, I feel as if I just wasted my time and they are not going to help me at all. I get the idea that they are mainly after a buck and are not willing to go too far from their desks and phones to get it. I am on the virge of writing off recruiters completely.

Let's get this party started

So, finally, I have broken down and am going to do something that I would normally never do. I am going to publish something about myself that everyone can see. It's quite scary actually. You have to think: Is this going to backfire at some point in my life. I guess the general rule is write who you are and know that what you write is not necessarily who you are forever, but only for the moment. Does that make sense?

I think that I am giving this a shot because some friends from work are totally into it and I kind of admire that they have the guts to put interesting tid bits of themselves up on the web.